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Rules and Conditions of the ClickBrokers Banner Exchange:

ClickBrokers is an easy-to-use banner exchange that helps increase traffic to your Website. Your banner will be displayed on thousands of Websites around the world for FREE in exchange for advertising space on your site.

The number of times your banner is displayed depends on how many credits you earn. Your banner will be displayed one time for every credit earned. ClickBrokers is the only banner exchange program to offer you three different ways to earn credits:

  1. You will receive one credit for every two banners displayed on your site.
  2. You will receive one credit each time someone clicks on a banner from your site
  3. You will receive one credit for every 4 impressions on any site that joined ClickBrokers via your site. This is something that no other banner exchange program offers, however, as the example below illustrates, it is the fastest way to earn credits.

100 people sign up via your site:
If each site gets 1000 impressions per day:
100 sites times 1000 impressions = 100,000, you receive 25,000 credits per day, plus credits from your own site.
This means your banner will be shown well over 25,000 times a day on 1,000’s of sites around the world.
No other banner exchange program rewards its members for new associates, we do!

Earn thousands of times more credits compared  to any other linking program